What Is the Illuminati?

By jamie
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The original Illuminati were established in Bavaria in the 18th century. It was a small and secretive group that opposed the Church’s influence over science and politics, and they set about trying to limit the influence of the church. The group was eventually stamped out by Bavarian authorities, but many people believe the group still exists today.

Today’s Illuminati is allegedly far larger and far more powerful than when they began. Conspiracy theories claim that their membership consists of the world’s elite and that they use their power to influence global politics to their liking. Here’s a look at some of the supposed facts associated with the group and some of the individuals that are allegedly linked.

1. The New World Order

The New World Order is a supposed occurrence that will see a significant change in the way the world’s hierarchy is restructured. The general idea is that the entire planet will come under the rule of a single totalitarian government mostly consisting of today’s ruling elite from around the world, including the Illuminati. The New World Order is often envisaged to be a post-apocalyptic type scenario when the masses are under the complete control of oppressive ruling factions. Some New World Order theories also have roots in religious belief systems, such as the rapture which will allegedly see good Christians taken to heaven, leaving everybody else behind to fend for themselves against evil forces.


2. The Freemasons

Freemasons do exist, with masonry organizations found around the world. Freemasonry’s origins are thought to trace back to stonemason fraternities, which were organizations that regulated the qualifications and roles of people in the once powerful masonry trade. These fraternities evolved into exclusive social clubs for high-ranking men in various fields from politics to business.

It is true that in the past, and perhaps still today to an extent, members of freemasonry lodges would benefit from favors granted by other freemasons. Because the organizations were so exclusive and largely had wealthy, powerful members, it meant collectively that they would have significant influence over ordinary people. Many people today are convinced that freemasonry is closely linked with the Illuminati.

3. Symbolism

According to many Illuminati conspiracy theorists, the presence of the organization can be identified by symbols that are allegedly strategically left behind. Such symbols are supposedly an indicator of the Illuminati’s extended influence in all matters affecting global affairs.

One such symbol is the eye of providence, which is found on US dollar bills and represents the eye of god looking over all of humanity. Conspiracy theorists, however, believe that it is symbolic of the Illuminati constantly watching over the rest of humanity. Many businesses and other organizations are accused of being associated with the Illuminati because their logos allegedly contain Illuminati symbols.


4. Queen Elizabeth II

According to some, Britain’s current ruling monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is a high-ranking member of the Illuminati. While it is true that she and her family hold considerable wealth and influence globally, the conspiracy theories often involve claims that are quite outlandish.

According to some, Queen Elizabeth II is in charge of a cloning facility that she uses to replicate celebrities that will do her bidding. In addition, some people even believe that she is a shape-shifting reptilian from another world. No solid evidence has been presented that comes close to confirming these claims, but that doesn’t stop conspiracy theorists from spreading their beliefs.

5. The Rockefeller

The Rockefeller family are an American family that hold vast wealth thanks to their business dealings. It is true that the family’s vast wealth gave them considerable influence over the United States’ political landscape, making them a part of the nation’s oligarchy.

The Rockefellers considerable wealth and power make them ideal targets for Illuminati conspiracy theorists. David Rockefeller in particular was targeted, partly because he had extensive political connections in the United States and overseas. David Rockefeller died in 2017 and while the family still holds considerable wealth, the family are no longer as influential as they used to be, at least not visibly anyway.


6. Jacob Rothschild

Jacob Rothschild is a prominent member of the Rothschild family that first started in the banking business in the 1760s. Since then, the family business developed and, at one point, the family was the wealthiest on the planet.

Originally from Frankfurt, the family eventually became established in London, where they are still found today, although the family is also located elsewhere. The Rothschild family’s vast wealth also gave them great power, and the family has long been the subject of conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds are a Jewish family and maintain close links with various Jewish organizations, and this only adds fuel to the fire for many conspiracy theorists.

7. John F. Kennedy

On November 22, 1963, the United States’ President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. He was allegedly shot in the head from a distance by Lee Harvey Oswald, although Oswald denied the charges. Just two days after being charged, Oswald himself was assassinated.

It is not thought that JFK was a member of the Illuminati, but it is thought that the Illuminati were behind his assassination. One reason behind the theory is that JFK wanted to put an end to the war in Vietnam, a war that was supposedly very profitable for the Illuminati. Another theory suggests that the Illuminati were not happy with JFK’s efforts at limiting the power of the Federal Reserve, over which the Illuminati held a lot of influence.


8. Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger is a former United States National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. He was a Jewish refugee, with his family escaping from Nazi Germany in 1938. Kissinger had quite a controversial time in politics and is considered by some to be a war criminal.

Kissinger had close business ties with the Rockefeller family and, for some, this implicates him with the Illuminati. Some claim that Kissinger helped to cover up the Illuminati’s alleged participation in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, while he was also thought by some to be the antichrist himself. That he is Jewish only made the conspiracy theories more convincing for some.

9. Beyonce

Beyonce is one of the most successful performing artists in the world today. In addition to being a successful performer, she is also seen as some as a heroine for women’s rights and she has also been active in philanthropy. According to some, Beyonce is also a powerful member of the Illuminati.

Beyonce’s husband, Jay-Z, is also suspected of being a member of the Illuminati, and the two are even considered by some to be the King and Queen of the organization. Another well-known pop star to be accused is Rihanna, and Rihanna is known to deliberately add references to the accusations in her music videos to troll conspiracy theorists.

10. Prince

The singer Prince, full name Prince Rogers Nelson, was one of the most successful performers of his era. He sadly died on April 21, 2016, at the young age of 57 after an accidental drug overdose. According to some people, Prince was killed by members of the Illuminati. Prince himself was a firm believer in the Illuminati.

He was even filmed on TV warning other people of the organization, and he even spoke about chemtrails, another conspiracy theory that involved airplanes releasing mind-controlling chemicals into the air. Some claim that Prince was killed for speaking out against the organization, or for his habit of closely protecting his material from plagiarism.


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