Can You Freeze Avocados?

By jamie
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There has been a surge in the popularity of avocado in recent years. The buttery, soft flesh of the fruit makes it ideal for spreads and salads, while it is also very popular in smoothies. Avocados are also packed full of important nutrition, including lots of healthy fats.

Like other fruits, avocado will begin to decay if it is not eaten soon enough. This could potentially lead to waste, but you do have the option of freezing it if you aren’t going to use it in time. You will need to follow certain procedures in order to get the best results, and we have created this article to explain what these procedures are.

1. Wash

The first thing that you should do is to wash the avocados you are about to freeze. This helps to ensure that any pesticides or other chemicals are removed from the surface of the avocado before preparing them. If you don’t do this, there is a chance that you might become sick because not all stores take care to wash them themselves. This is very easy to do; just wash the avocados under warm water, gently rubbing with your fingers or with a clean cloth. You can then rub them dry with a dry, clean towel before you move onto the next step.

Freeze Avocados

2. Halve

The next step is to cut your avocado in half, no matter how you might be intending to prepare them. To do this, take a sharp knife and cut the avocado lengthwise. The knife will be met by the seed in the middle but just cut around it; avocado flesh is soft so it is easy to cut.

When you have cut all around the seed, hold the avocado so that you can then twist the fruit, and the two halves should easily fall away from each other. If this is not working, then you probably need to work on the fruit a little more with your knife.

3. Seed

Avocados are known for their unusually large seeds. These are easy to remove, simply lift them out of the fruit with a spoon. You should always do this before putting avocados in to freeze. You don’t necessarily have to throw the seed away. If you wish, you can use it to grow your own avocado tree, provided conditions are right.

Some people also grind or mash the seeds and use them in smoothies or in other recipes. Be careful not to eat too many because there is a chance that they might be toxic in high doses.

Freeze Avocados

4. Freezer Bag

Many people prefer to freeze the avocado halves just as they are. Before putting them into the freezer, however, they will first need to be placed into a sealed plastic bag. Zip bags are ideal for the job, and any bag you do use should be able to withstand being in the freezer for a long time.

It is also important that you remove all air from the bags before putting them in the freezer. One way to do this is to nearly close the bag, leaving a little room for a straw. Then, suck through the straw to remove any air that is left before sealing that bag tight.

5. Label

We will often think that we will remember what we put in the freezer and when. In one or two months’ time, however, we often end up realizing that our memories are not as good as we thought they were. The simple solution to this is to label whatever you put in to freeze, and avocados are no exception.

Make sure to use labels and markers that are suitable for freezers. It would not be helpful if you find that the label is illegible when you come to use them. Remember also to write clearly, and to mark the day that you put the avocados into the freezer.

Freeze Avocados

6. Mash

Many people prefer to mash avocados as they then go great on toast and can be used in a wide range of other dishes. You can choose to mash your halved avocados after thawing, while you can also mash them before freezing for added convenience. That way, all you need to do is to thaw and they are ready to use.

To mash, place the avocado in a bowl and, using a fork, mash them to the desired consistency. If you like smooth mashed avocados, using a blender will get even better results. Don’t forget to add lemon juice to prevent the mashed avocado from going brown.

7. Diced

If you don’t wish to go as far as mashing your avocados, but you still want to prepare them for more convenience, then you can choose to dice them. Dicing is easy to do with a sharp knife because avocado flesh is so soft. Once you have diced your avocado, place them in a bowl and make sure they are thoroughly coated in lemon juice.

Then, place them into a bag, removing air from the bag, and then seal it before placing it in the freezer. Placing the bag into a sturdy container will help prevent the avocado squares from getting crushed.

Freeze Avocados

8. Lemon/Lime

One potential problem with freezing avocados is that they can turn brown, making them unappealing. This is easily avoided however by using lemon and/or lime juice, and it should be used no matter how you wish to prepare the avocados before freezing.

If, for example, you are freezing avocados as halves as already described, take a brush and coat the avocado with a layer of lemon juice. If you are mashing them before freezing, then add some lemon juice to a bowl with avocado and thoroughly mix it in. This will help to prevent browning, leaving you avocados that look great even after freezing.

9. Guacamole

Tacos are just not the same without some guacamole and a salsa dip. You might want to prepare your guacamole from your avocados after they have thawed, while you can also choose to prepare your guacamole before freezing. This will mean you have guacamole in the freezer ready to use whenever you want some.

You can prepare your guacamole and then put it into freezer bags just like you would with mashed avocado. You can also try freezing it in ice cube trays, and this method will make it easier for you to take just what you want. Bear in mind that adding tomatoes before freezing can affect the texture of the guacamole, so it is best to add them after thawing.

10. Texture

Freezing avocados is very safe, and the results are also often very good. It is not a perfect process, however, and you are likely to find that the texture is not the same once it has been thawed out. This means that, depending on your preferences, freezing avocado may not be the best option if you like to use it as a spread or similar.

Other than that, avocado will still retain its delicious flavor, and it will be ideal as an ingredient. Mashing the avocado and mixing it with other ingredients should leave you with a result that is almost identical to avocado used from fresh.

Freeze Avocados

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